Don’t know what to wear? Style-Moi

Gaelle Charlet
3 min readDec 15, 2022

For the last project in Design with AI, CIM 463/643,

Erik Soriano, Ayesha Bakshi, Naj, and I decided on a fashion application: Style-Moi.

Style-Moi is a bot that helps users find their style. Our app will work with your initial input to then find the best outfits for your said occasion. Users will have their own AI image consultant at the palm of their hands.

We scaled down from our first idea that was supposed to scan the model as it would be too much of an AR project than AI. Also there was a feature where we wanted to recommend users outfits based on what they’re wearing and how the AI classified it, but had to step back and realize we only have 3 weeks and that process would take longer to implement.

Therefore, our main focus for this project was the AI component. We are using Apple’s CoreML to provide our object classification model. Our data is mainly comprised of images found on Google images and online store’s products. Our four classes: casual, formal, club/nighttime, and sportswear, proved to be a bit challenging as the model would classify mainly casual as sportswear.

100% confident? Are you sure…

Honestly living in Miami I’ve come to realize that casual wear IS sportswear so I’m not really blaming Mx. Core ML here. But, we went into our images and focused on sportswear and removing possible difficult images that might be a bit more casual than fully sportswear. So, we pivoted from our first iteration that used 110 images (100 training, 10 testing) and added 50 more where 150 was used for training and the same 10 for testing.

Update: The model wasn’t really improving with the sportswear class so we later removed it.

Now onto our app! Our main target audience were Millennials and Generation Z users interested in fashion and improving their outfit choices.

User flow chart

Users can upload a picture that they want to test for their occasion and get quick results with our chatbot based with DialogFlow and CoreML.

Jeans to a dinner date 😅

Our sample test above shows how our user goes from a very casual outfit for a dinner date to a more accurate outfit and ultimately a perfect outfit that would wow anymore.

A gorgeous outfit for a gorgeous date

Onto the UI for the application: We went with a dark tone as darker UI have been gaining popularity within younger generations.



Gaelle Charlet

I write and sometimes people read. Aspiring entrepreneur. Design Developer.